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Covenant Presbyterian

Koinonia Group sign up

Koinonia Groups at Covenant - Experience the Joy of Fellowship

What is Koinonia?

Koinonia means “fellowship” in Greek. Our Koinonia Groups are all about building community over shared meals.

How it Works:

  • Sign Up for a Group: Complete the information form below and submit it by Sunday, September 15. Forms are also available at the church. You will be assigned to a group by the Congregational Care Committee, and a group leader will be appointed.
  • Rotating Hosts: Your group leader will contact you to schedule the initial gathering. Each month afterward, a different member hosts the gathering.

Hosting Options:

  • Home-Cooked: Host a meal at your home.
  • Potluck: Share the cooking with your group.
  • Restaurant: Meet at a local restaurant.
  • Takeout: You don’t need to cook to host.
  • Co-hosting: Team up with another member to host, especially great for singles.
  • Non-Hosting: You don’t have to host to participate. Join a group and enjoy the fellowship without the pressure of hosting.

Final groups will be formed once all Koinonia forms have been turned in. Forms are also available at the church, and all submissions are requested by Sunday, September 15.

Koinonia Groups 2024

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Would you be willing to be a group leader?

Are you willing to be in a group that includes children?