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Covenant Presbyterian

About Us

We have a 9:30am Worship Service every Sunday. Children are welcome to stay for the entire service. Activity packets and children's bibles are located near the sanctuary entrance. Just prior to the sermon, children ages 3-k are invited to walk down with our children's director to attend Children's Church. A light snack, Bible story & craft are provided during this time. Our nursery (infants to age 2) is available for the entire service.

Visit our "What to Expect" page to learn more about our services.

Sunday School classes are offered for all ages from 10:45am to 11:45am.

Covenant belongs to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (, a reformed and confessional (Westminster) denomination that began in 1981 and has over 600 churches. We are located at 4000 Ridgewood Road, Jackson, MS 39211

Evangelical simply means a passion for the gospel.

Gospel is good news. The good news that God became a man in Jesus, without ceasing to be God. The good news that God comes to you, seeks you out in Jesus, so that He might save you through Him. The death of Jesus on the cross and his rising from that death (resurrection) means that God has conquered sin and death and offers you forgiveness and life. We believe we must share this good news with the world.

Presbyterian refers to form of government.

The term "Presbyterian" is from a Greek word that means "elder." A Presbyterian church is governed by elders -- referring not necessarily to age, but spiritual maturity -- who are elected by the congregation to this Biblical office.