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Covenant Presbyterian


"The Lord of the Church, Jesus Christ, has given three offices to the Church. These are: Teaching Elders, Ruling Elders, and Deacons. In higher courts, Teaching and Ruling Elders are also known as Presbyters or Commissioners and share in the governing of the Church. These offices are not indications of special pre-eminence by those who hold them, but rather indicate a call to service, to ministry, to special discipleship and the evidencing of the fruit of the Spirit in every part of life."

- EPC Book of Government, 9-1

Teaching Elders

Dr. Joshua M. Cole - Senior Pastor
Dr. Andrew N. Mills - Associate Pastor

Ruling Elders

Class of 2025
Glen Graves
Kirsten Shaw
Ginger Steadman
Slade Exley
Class of 2026
Timothy Clark
David Davison
Brooks Mosley
Steve Ray
Class of 2027
Richard Coker
Jack Sullenberger
Jim Weems
Chad Williams


Class of 2025
Philip Anthony
Ronnie Blossom
Stewart Quarles
Frank Hadden
Class of 2026
John Bates
Kennedy Flora
Bradley Fulton
Class of 2027
Sam Clark
Lamar Gillespie
Charley Hall
Sara Kimmel

The Office of Ruling Elder

"In the Old Testament, the office of Elder was established for the oversight of the Church. In the New Testament, this office is continued. Those who fill this office today for governing the Church are called Ruling Elders. Chosen by the people of a local church, these Ruling Elders are to watch over the spiritual welfare of that congregation. When appointed to participate in Presbytery or General Assembly, they shall watch over the spiritual welfare and participate diligently in the workings of that portion of the Church to which they are commissioned, recognizing that the Evangelical Presbyterian Church is a connectional church. The Ruling Elder shares authority with the Teaching Elder in all of the courts of the Church, in both rights and duties. It is the first duty of the Ruling Elder to represent the mind of Christ, as that person understands it, in the various courts of the Church."

- EPC Book of Government 9-8

The Office of Deacon

"The office of Deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, concern for needs, and of serving others. Therefore, the first duty of the Deacon is sympathy and service. Historically, to this office has been given the duty of being the Church’s instrument for the ministry of compassion."

- EPC Book of Government 9-12