Our Youth Ministry is for youth in 6th - 12th grade.
Activities on campus occur in the Youth House on the east side of the church (the back parking lot).
EPiC $300
June 2-6th, 2025
Join us for fun on the Mississippi coast with several other EPC Churches. It's a great way to kick off the summer!
Sunday Night Youth Group
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm (most Sundays)
This is the front door of our youth ministry. We want the youth to have fun and develop a Christian worldview. The Youth House is stocked with snacks and games. There's time for hanging out and socializing, time for organized games to build comradery, a lesson, and periodically, we go to 7 pm and enjoy dinner together.
Sign up for our weekly Youth Ministry Update for the full schedule and lesson topics.
Sunday School
10:45am - 11:45am
We spend about half the time hanging out in the youth house playing games and chatting, and the other half is spent going chapter by chapter through books of the Bible.
Adult and Children's Sunday School classes are offered at the same time.
Wednesday Nights
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm (spring and fall)
Programs are provided for children, youth, and adults on Wednesday Nights. Everyone eats dinner together in the Fellowship Hall, and then the youth head over to the Youth House. Boys and Girls are separated into small groups and time is spent talking about what is going on in life (sharing high's and low's) followed by a discussion centered on verses from the book of Proverbs.
For More Information
For more specific details on Youth Ministry events, sign up for our weekly Youth Ministry Update, or contact Andrew Mills at .