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Covenant Presbyterian
Church Hymn


The next Membership Class begins February 2, 2025
and will last 4 weeks.

Membership at Covenant Presbyterian Church

“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” – John 1:12

When you place your faith in Jesus Christ and follow him, you become a part of God’s family. As His son or daughter, you are a member of what the Apostles’ Creed calls the holy catholic church. The word 'catholic' means universal.

The Church Universal is made up of all people in all places and in all times who have claimed Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Covenant Presbyterian Church is a local representation of the Church Universal. It has elders and pastors who have been internally called by God, and externally called by the church, to serve as leaders over those who are members of Covenant.

As a member of Covenant, the leaders are accountable to God for watching over your soul.

Hebrews 13:17 says, “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.”

This verse can only be obeyed in the context of membership in a local church.

Sign Up for our Membership Class

Membership Class

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Steps to Membership

  1. Attend the Membership Class that occurs three times a year (Spring, Summer and Fall)
  2. Meet with the session – The elders and pastors of Covenant welcome you into membership through hearing your profession/reaffirmation of faith in Jesus Christ or via transfer letter from an evangelical church.
  3. Be joyfully introduced to the congregation as a new member of Covenant. Baptism accompanies the profession of faith for a new member who has never been baptized.
  4. Use your gifts to help the church fulfill its mission.

The Five Profession of Faith Questions

Profession of Faith is based on the affirmation of these five questions:

  1. Do you acknowledge yourselves to be sinners in the sight of God and without hope for your salvation except in His sovereign mercy?
  2. Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of sinners, and do you receive and depend upon Him alone for your salvation as He is offered in the gospel?
  3. Do you now promise and resolve, in humble reliance upon the grace of the Holy Spirit, that you will endeavor to live as becomes the followers of Christ?
  4. Do you promise to serve Christ in His Church by supporting and participating with this congregation in its service of God and its ministry to others to the best of your ability?
  5. Do you submit yourself to the government and discipline of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and to the spiritual oversight of this Church Session, and do you promise to promote the unity, purity, and peace of the Church?